Volunteering Projects
Volunteer Work Officer is working on building opportunities for dental students to devote their time and skills in order to help vulnerable communities who are not able to access basic oral health care facilities. The overall aim of volunteering activities in EDSA is to promote oral health worldwide, within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 3 - better health and wellbeing, SDG 11 - reduced inequalities, and SDG 13 - climate action.To achieve this, we are working on informative and motivational events about effective volunteering, the current burden of dental disease among disadvantaged communities and how oral health services can be delivered as part of comprehensive public health interventions.
If you are interested to learn more, please contact our Volunteering Work Officer at volunteer_work_officer@edsaweb.org
EDSA Pre-Congress Volunteering Project
What is it?
EDSA Pre-congress Volunteer project is a new activity which consists of 2 days filled with volunteering done by dental students participating in EDSA Summer/Spring meetings. We at EDSA believe, that dental students can actively and meaningfully contribute to society as a part of our EDSA journey.
EDSA Pre-Congress Volunteering Project
Whats the purpose?
We want to contribute in various ways. Our primary focus is teaching the general public proper oral hygiene habits – brushing techniques, interdental space cleaning, early oral cancer sign recognition and simultaneously providing advice and invitation to regular dental checkups. We also want to pay much-needed attention to sustainability and go for example trash-picking, beach cleaning, tree planting or wildlife conservation where possible. Another area which we feel needs our help would be the homeless community, where we could help with food preparation and distribution.
EDSA Pre-Congress Volunteering Project
Whats do we want to achieve?
With this new concept of volunteer projects, we believe we can make changes where necessary while contributing dentistry-relatedly. Teaching the general public about proper oral hygiene habits will always be necessary, as in many countries the incidence of oral health problems is not decreasing. On top of it all, with this kind of project, we can motivate students to continue and develop similar volunteer activities in their home countries.