We would like to announce that on the 24th of April 2021, during the 67th EDSA Spring Online Meeting, Ivana Ligusová was elected as EDSA President-Elect. Ivana currently serves on the EDSA Board of Directors as the General Secretary. The President-Elect will take over as President of EDSA upon the election of the new EDSA Board of Directors and Officers during the 68th EDSA Meeting Košice 2021, Slovakia on the 25th of August 2021.
President-Elect is a certain individual elected during the Spring Meeting and a future president. Their term as president begins after the following Summer Meeting. Their job is to shadow the president and other members of the Board of Directors in their relevant activities, to introduce themself to the partner organizations and sponsors and to develop a general policy for the term to come and submit it during the Summer meeting following one’s election.
